Things That Have Made You Angry Today

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by Armadeadn, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. More American cops who don't know what they're doing. In this case they shot 9 innocent bystanders trying to take down a suspect.

    Are cops basically trained to shoot anything that moves that's not a cop? Even the military tries not to shoot innocent civilians. Who's training these idiots?
  2. The police seem to have become more aggressive, violent, militarized, and lethal in recent years. I have repeatedly seen them empty weapons into suspects, which is a concept outside of anything I've ever seen in infantry or riflery training.

    They also seem to get even more aggressive and willing to use force as supposedly "non-lethal" means have been developed. They've managed to taze and pepper spray people to such excess that they've killed people. Police departments have also been purchasing even more bizarre and punishing methods to assault objects of their aggression with sound cannons and the like.



    There is a serious problem with training and management. The police are becoming a corporate security force rather than protectors of the public. They view the common citizen as an enemy combatant.

  3. WTF was going on here?

  4. One of the key demographics of the Republican Party: demented old people who have lost their minds.

    Clint is just speaking for that demographic.
  5. That was a bit weird and creepy. Was it really such a big deal about trying terrorists in New York? That got a big response I noticed.
  6. Anything that spits in the face of rationality and logic tends to be a big hit with hardcore Republicans.
  7. Well, I've actually managed to find a real journalist in the US, Ben Swann, who works for a little local news station in Ohio. I thought US journalists were extinct.

    All of his videos I've watched so far have been very compelling, but I thought I'd focus on a recent story about a former Marine who has been captured by police and taken to a mental institution because they didn't like what he wrote on his facebook page.

    A few of the quotes did sound a bit wacky, but nothing sounded more extreme than the crazy stuff you hear at Tea Party rallies. He hasn't been charged with anything. They just went to his house, handcuffed him, and then took him to a mental hospital. They held him briefly and then determined he would have to stay there a minimum of 30 days. Who knows what they are going to do to this guy.

    I think this makes it very apparent that government officials are indeed carefully reading and monitoring what you write on social media websites and are more than willing to come and capture you if they don't like what you had to say about them.
  8. This kind of thing is precisely why I don't use social media sites. Any information you post could potentially be used against you, by identity thieves, or a dickhead boss at work, or our increasingly nasty police state. It's best to remain anonymous on the internet. Facebook is nothing more than a huge data-mining operation. Nobody outside of close friends and family needs to know my personal details.

    Gingers have no sou... sense.
  10. If there was any question that Romney is an elitest shithead who only cares about the rich...

    So basically half of the country are "moochers" and healthcare is an "entitlement." In every other country on the planet healthcare is not an entitlement, it's a basic human right guaranteed to all people. Also most of those so called moochers who are at or below the poverty line are people who got fucked over by him and his Wall Street buddies in one way or another, either through their engineered mortgage crisis or outsourcing all of the middle class jobs, resulting in people either being unemployed or having to take McJobs that don't pay a living wage. Shows you how out of touch Republicans are.
  11. Further irony: a good chunk of the 47% that "don't pay income tax" are Republican retirees, so Romney is basically saying he doesn't give a sh*t about an important part of his own constituency.
  12. Fox is in full on damage control mode. The major news outlets are saying Romney is done as a serious candidate. Obama is way ahead in current polls. You can't call half of your potential voters freeloading scum and expect to get away with it. I don't care if you think you're behind closed doors. This is the internet age. Shit gets out.
  13. Why the nerve of some people. People who pay FICA expect to survive in their elder years by collecting the money working and middle class people and their employers paid into the system and feel "entitled" COLLECT THEIR OWN MONEY?! This is outrageous. This money should obviously be taken from them and siphoned off for more tax cuts for Romney's "middle class" ($200,000 to $250,000) and above. Tell 'em like it is, Mittens!

    It's strange that Paul Ryan seems to be viewed much more positively than Romney considering that he's far more extreme to Ayn Rand-ian levels of lunacy. Ryan actually worries me quite a bit more than Mittens.
  14. Fox is in full on damage control mode, trying to act like a video of Obama from 15 years ago, that literally no one else but them is talking about, is somehow relevant:

    They've also mysteriously disabled comments on all of the articles about the 47 percent remark. Wonder why that would be.
  15. Listening to another batshit crazy caller to The Atheist Experience. His "supernatural" experience that made him believe that God is real is he "...cired tears that turned into bread that tasted sweet like honey, it was amazing."

    And there's no possibility this guy was dreaming or hallucinating or generally has something wrong with his head, to him it's much more likely that he did indeed CRY TEARS THAT TURNED INTO BREAD and therefore God.

    Like I've said before. The fact that people like this can drive and vote scares the crap out of me and pisses me off quite frankly. At least he's over there and not over here lol.
  16. People who use the word literally when they do not mean literally make me mad. Example: "My head literally exploded!" No it didn't you dullard. I lump those people in with the morons who say "I could care less".
  17. I literally could care less.
  18. You should literally go rip some pitbulls in half and calm down.
  19. or maybe the bread was at his feet in the first place he just never saw it and when he looked down it was there!! lol Even as a believer personal experiences like this can be rather funny :D sometimes they might be true most times their just exaggerated and a 'wake up call' to this person. It's not meant to be thought about, only shared. This person is only inviting ridicule by using it as evidence.

    I literally COULDN'T care less but whatever xD
  20. Why do people bring screaming, crying, obnoxious little kids and babies out to nice restaurants? Hire a babysitter and leave your hellspawn at home. No one wants to put up with that shit when they're paying good money for a nice meal. Movies too. No one wants to hear that shit when they're trying to have a nice time at the movies.

    This is two expensive restaurants in a row where I had my meal with my wife ruined by inconsiderate people who couldn't leave the fucking brats at home. One was a $130 meal at a seafood place on the ocean, the other was an $80 dinner at an upscale Italian place. Maybe the asshole parents should pay for my meals since they ruined them.