equal rights has nothing to do with it, you sound like a bitch who's complaining about a man who gets paid more when he fills the role better or a black man complaining about cops keeping an eye out for them more than whites. It has nothing to do with rights, it has to do with cultural tendancies, a man is more likely to fill certain roles in the workplace (ie physical roles... or logical roles...) than women thus he is worth more to the company, also a young black man tends to grow up with more strife and aggrivation thus giving him a fast car and telling him to go easy on it's abilitys is just askin for a ticket. It has nothin to do with equality it has to do with knowledge and, yes, personal bias. If the white man had a bunch of racist hilbilly stickers and a KKK costume glued to his hood he'd face the same 'equality issues'. What angry young black ppl fail to understand is this is what they make themselves look like when their searching for 'equality'. Angry feminists are just as bad (though not as vocal thank God). Gays are just as bad. It's not 'equality' if I want a homosexual marriage I can't have a homosexual marriage either. It's just a bunch of whining trying to get away with something you previously couldn't. @AKS I have no clue what additional tests gays go through to adopt a kid but could it be for compatibility? puting a kid into a male- male household is not like puting a kid into a male- female household. Just like asking why single applicants go through a different process than married ones. Plus it's just kinda' weird. think of the child too.
It just so happens that social psychologists have been studying outcomes of nontraditional families. Peer-reviewed studies indicated that children raised by gay couples are just as popular in school. No differences were found in adjustment or mental health between children raised by straight and gay couples. The overwhelming majority of children reared by gay couples are heterosexual. In one study gay couples yielded better outcomes than straight couples, which is probably explained by the significantly more difficult adoption process for gay couples (i.e., adoptions to gay couples are only to especially dedicated and qualified parents, whereas straight couples can adopt much more easily and thus tend to end up with poorer outcomes on average). What is the concern about the fate of the children when outcomes of gay couples raising children are about the same?
Well your bible preaches hate and many people seem to think it's a good book LOL. That's one reason why we'll never get along so long as religion exists. If you're against equal rights you're a cunt. Not aimed at anybody in particular, just a broad statement.
I'm not going out and supporting them on ChikFila appreciation day or whatever. I might make a good faith attempt to stop or atleast minimize any routine visits. BUT, much like my 20 minute boycott against FoxConn's slave wages, it is very likely my own interests will win.
supersonic will just ending up going into some mental state and check in to cheap hotels and binging on chicken sandwiches.
and that's all that matters right? school. I'm sure some difference was found. perhapse the one raised by women bears no sense of humor?? and why does this matter when your argument is 'gay is normal, equal to heterosexuals'? I'm sorry but it should have no relevance if the child grows up gay or not. My argument is not whether or not being gay is contagious or not I'm arguing whether or not it's right. what I'm saying is 50% of your argument (and 80% of your paragraph) is irrelevant . I might give you the school thing as that may be relevant to how a kid is brought up but that does not say anything about how productive he can be later in life. Am I saying a kid brought up in a gay household can't become president? and a test tube baby can't run a marathon. OFC not! All I am saying is more doors are closed to those with a homosexual viewpoint than those that have a heterosexual view. I'm not even talking about discrimination I'm talking about reproduction and the lower chance of spreading aids. Or who's gonna breast-feed Dan or Steve?? Who will teach little Tommy to play football or win over the heart of the chearleading captain when he's got two moms? Granted some moms can be pretty butch and that seems like a requisite for being a lezbo but... you get the idea. Hatred for sin, not hatred for the sinner. Again I ask why can't WE all get along? If we can't get along it's your fault not mine, after all I'm less of a sinner than you *.* j/k no but in all seriousness what the Bible does is not condone homosexuality. that really has nothing to do with gays BUT it really has EVERYTHING to do with gays. You'll see here that I pretty much mix the word homosexual with gay quite often? I appologized at one point cuz they should not be mixed up, their not synonymous any more than religion is with marriage or church. What I'm saying is a gay person may do homosexual deeds a lot, but that does not define gay people does it? A gay person can also run a marathon, paint a picture, act in a movie. Homosexual is not an endearing term for a gay. SO ANYWAY what the Bible gets down to is Christians should hate the homosexual but the REST is all right. That is a rather confusing statement and many big time vocal Christians have been confused to that to the point that their like a gay person would NOT be a gay if he weren't homosexual therefore the Bible saying 'Hate the Homosexual' must be like it saying 'Hate the Gay'. But the truth is, it doesn't, it says hate the homosexual and that's it.
Supersonic, what if someone wanted to outlaw love between a man and a sandwich? How would that make you feel? Does your girlfriend know about your hotel room encounters?
supersonic should be our forum mascot. nothing has amused me more than his stories of his over-indulgence with food.
Considering that's where kids spend 7 or 8 hours plus whatever extracurricular activities every week day, yeah, that's pretty damn important that they are well adjusted there. In addition, kids' social network consists primarily of children from school. You obviously gave almost no thought to that statement, and that's being generous. In the context of peer-reviewed journal articles, "no differences" means no statistically significant differences. That is, when there is statistical significance, there is less than 1% to 5% probability that findings pertaining to the relationship between variables studied was due to chance. If your results reach a level of statistical significance, it demonstrates that the findings were unlikely to be due to sampling error or random chance. When the independent variable(s) of a study do not reach this criterion of statistical significance, the null hypothesis is retained, meaning you maintain that a significant relationship between the variables studied does not exist, the default assumption in scientific research. The researchers in this study are debunking common myths. I didn't direct them to study that. It wasn't something that I would ever claim. They are debunking commonly held beliefs about gay couples rearing children. I think you're a bit confused. I did not say all these beliefs are all your personal shared beliefs. I have never stated that all Christians have identical, homogenous beliefs. In Scandinavian countries, there are plenty of religious people but they do not implement these types of discriminatory laws against gays. Norway and Finland have a higher percentage of Christians than the US. Do you see a lot of posts from me attacking moderate, tolerant Christians? Most of my complaints are against the lunatic fundamentalists you commonly see elected to high positions of leadership in Texas, Louisiana, or Arizona. It's generally only within the areas that you might have an overlapping belief that you and I would have a disagreement. If you're supportive of the type of behavior exhibited by Dan Cathy of Chick-Fil-A, that would be one of those areas. Wow, this really made very little sense. Why do you think I mentioned those studies in the first place? There is little evidence supporting just these types of beliefs. Kids raised by gay couples tend to be just as mentally healthy and well adjusted as kids raised by straight couples. I'm baffled that you dismiss the results of the studies I mentioned and then give a list of predominantly unsupported beliefs that would be debunked by just those types of studies. School supposedly doesn't matter and then you talk about the importance of making the football team at school and a boy winning the heart of a cheerleader at school. And you added in some stereotypes of gays for good measure apparently. It's as though various segments of your post was composed by different people unaware of the others' comments.
Who cares if homosexual is endearing or not? The techincal term for someone who is sexually attracted to someone of the same sex is called a homosexual, that's what they're called, endearing or not. I'm classed a heterosexual, regardless of whether I feel that's an endearing term or not that's what my sexual orientation is called. And stop saying homosexual and gay are different things, they're not. If you're a homosexual, you're gay. If you're gay, you're a homosexual. I also can't believe you think the issua about gay marriage has nothing to do with equal rights. "if I want a homosexual marriage I can't have a homosexual marriage either". That's just asinine. You're not gay, why would you ever want a gay marriage? The bottom line is some people are allowed to marry the person they love, and some are not allowed, based on nothing more than their sexual orientation. THAT'S DISCRIMINATION. Imagine there was a law that said black people can't marry each other because they're black. Discrimination, same deal. Regarding who would breast feed the child. No-one most likely. ever heard of baby milk you can buy? I think you guys call it formula. Plenty of kids are raised on that instead of breast milk. I'd like to get married in a church one day. Not because of any religious ties or because it's under the eyes of God (although that should be anywhere since he's omnipotent right?) it's because it's traditional, it seems like if you're going to get married you might as well do it in a nice fancy historical building, gives it that sense of occasion. Let's see what the big book of intolerance has to say on the matter of homosexuality shall we? Put to death? For exercising the free will God supposedly gave to them? Why does God create abominations? Why do you worship this fiend? This God of yours according to your book is an egotistical, insecure, evil, morally bankrupt, genocidal, slavery promoting, useless, do nothing mafia boss who basically says "Do as I say or suffer eternal punishment forever and ever!" And you worship this guy...
@AKS Hmm... you tend to miss the sarcasm lol and most of that was sarcasm fyi anyway what I said (between the snide remarks and jokes) is it does not matter how socially adjusted these kids are (and I'd argue that society is more adjusting itself to these kids rather than the other way around), what matters is what they could be and why they may or may not be obstructed from that point. Why are gays discriminated against isn't that what your getting at? Well their 'discrimnated' against because their different. Here I just looked up the definition and here is the first thing that google told me dis·crim·i·na·tion/disˌkriməˈnāSHən/ Noun: 1 The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, esp. on the grounds of race, age, or sex. 2 Recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another. So yes, they are being 'discriminated' against... but it's just to recognize and understand the difference between a gay couple and a heterosexual couple and their environments. Sure the kids will have every opportunity to have the same 'adjustments' throughout but as proper guardians the state needs to know if these kids will be going into. It's like asking 'why are drunks denied from unemployment?? DISCRIMINATION!! Well ofc their not gonna give a drunk free money you know what he's gonna spend it on. In the same way an applicant that proves to be gay deserves further scrutiny, they can't just give kids away to anybody. I do know a straight couple who the man has a very old offence on his record from ages ago and because of that they don't want to let him adopt, he had to jump through all the flaming hoops and stuff. It happens, adoption is not easy regardless. ------------ @arma very interesting I'm not sure what to say about that death part. I'll get back to you in the morning.... er later in the day :/ since it's like 2am ".... "Do as I say or suffer eternal punishment forever and ever!" And you worship this guy..." well duh, yeah... you either have issues with authority or you don't. With all the things I can't attribute to anything else I'd say He's pretty awesome and He can do whatever He wants basically. Anyway I think your exaggerating on purpose. I mean you know the wrath of God (assuming a life of ignorance) better than I and your still walking and breathing (you got one up on me in that area as well!). So let me tell you this, the naive illusion that God will protect those who blindly follow Him was lost on me long ago. Not saying it's not true, but it's obvious that the seas flowing with my blood because I broke a commandment is not the correct understanding... right? And hey, believe what you see right? well do you see Angels flying out of the sky chopping off the heads of infadels? I don't. (OK maybe I did have an answer for that.... but I'll probly think of something else if you give me enough time)
This goes back to my original point: that Christians in the United States seem to have forgotten that their own right to practice their religion freely comes from secular legal authority, not Christianity. Religious morals aren't the basis for deciding those legal rights. No one has to believe in God in order to get married or vote in an election in the United States. That's what's so creepy about Christians like Dan Cathy making public statements about their corporations anti-gay marriage stance. U.S. citizens should already know that Christian biblical morality should not play a role in determining public rights. U.S. Christians should be aware of the danger of trying to undermine tolerance or secular government, because it doesn't always work in your favor.
Pdraggy, do you realise what you're saying? You're coming off as a disgusting bigot, how would you like it if I said all Christians are depraved individuals who don't deserve some specific legal rights? What if I managed to manipulate the legal system to have my specific views be considered law? Obviously you'd be heavily offended and feel victimised. Let us ignore for now the fact that homosexuality IS NOT a choice and entertain the viewpoint (that you yourself seem to hold) that it is a lifestyle choice. What's happening in your country now is IDENTICAL to what I suggested above in the hypothetical case your religion is a life style choice, plain and simple, to make decimations based upon a life style choice is still terribly wrong, but to go a step further and place it upon someone’s genetic predisposition? That's fucking disgusting, and you should be ashamed for supporting such atrocities. Hopefully you're smart enough to realise the simply parallels I've drawn out for you and hopefully you'll begin to realise just how disgusting your stance on such legal policies is.
you mean like Arma is saying?? It doesn't bother me cuz it's just Arma (and probably the viewpoint of many other extremist atheists) it's fine I just defriended a facebook acquaintance cuz sadly she was like that... and this is in America! Europe I can understand but America is one nation under God. Not saying Atheism has no place here, just I don't expect to find one so wound up like that. ANYWAY yes I know what stance I take and it's not pretty but somebody's gotta do it. I don't fault Arma for his views and I expect the same from you folks. What if I found out one of you was homosexual? well if you are know this, I don't hate you, God does not hate you, He hates your homosexual thoughts. He doesn't hate your accomplishments (that have nothing to do with homosexuality, say your a fireman He doesn't say no Christian can share his locker with a gay man), He doesn't hate your failures, He hates the act of sexual immorality. The same as when heterosexuals do it. It is my choice not to go bang my sister I expect the same from the gays. @alterego we know we know, bite the hands that feeds us... but that's what freedom IS!
No, that's the exact opposite of freedom. The United States wasn't founded on the principle of having Christians dictate the rights of it's citizens from the pages of the Bible.
are you saying when you set an animal free you don't give it the right to come back and bite you. That's a cruel example but that is what freedom is. Freedom is freedom, you can do what you can do only thing stoping you is the authorities.
The founding fathers were atheists and deists of the enlightenment who wanted the US to be a secular country. Most of them despised organized religion. The under god bullshit was added by Republicans in the 1950s. The idea that the US is a Christian country is revisionist history.