Tipping Etiquette

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by cmdrmonkey, Jul 28, 2011.

  1. I tip because they're rapid. All your talk about faeces explains why you're called monkey lol.
  2. £4 for a delivery? Fuck that. I'll give them a rounded up amount some times but that's it. Though I do give a biggish Christmas tip to my Indian takeaway. So there.
  3. People really will spit in your food:


    There used to be another one where the dude wiped his ass and farted on one of the pizzas, but it's long since been removed from youtube. There was also one where he stuck cheese in his nose and started putting it on random pizzas that were about to leave for delivery. Both of these clowns ended up in prison, and the woman happened to be a registered sex offender, which Dominos missed on its background check. Dominos launched a series of ads involving their CEO designed to revamp their company's image specifically because of those videos.

    I have a sneaking suspicion this kind of stuff goes on all the time in the back at restaurants. It's part of why I don't eat out much, and why I prefer restaurants with open kitchens.

    So cough up a tip unless you want some child molester farting on your food.
  4. But if you don't tip 'til they get to your door what guarantee do you have that they haven't already messed up your meal? Also, I worked at a fast food place for a few months and no-one did anything like that. Dominos is shit anyway. I once heard that a waiter in America killed someone with a shotgun for not giving him a tip. As I said before, you've got a fucked up system over there where you pay the staff's wages when it's the business's job to do it. Who knows, maybe some of my meals were tampered with like in that video but if the food comes to me and I eat it and enjoy it there's no problem right? Unless you know someone's done something like that you might as well enjoy it, I don't go to fast food places and think people have been spitting in my food. If I thought that I'd never eat fast food, and that would suck.
  5. You also live in Britain and probably made three or four times as much as a fast food worker in the US. If fast food workers in the US made $20/hr, they probably wouldn't spit in the food either.

    low pay = disgruntled workers
  6. I was on minimum wage which I think at the time was about £5.75/hr. That's the point of minimum wage, you don't get paid less than it. I'm not surprised that America has a minimum wage but then has wages that are less than the minimum.
  7. Then they should find better jobs or they should have done better at school/college.
  8. Alot of servers and delivery boys are in school. They do those jobs to survive and pay for school.
  9. Hot college girls can pull in more money as a server than they will when they graduate. My friend got a part-time job as a server at a casino while in school. She dropped out and does it full time. She can make several hundred and sometimes thousands a day in tips from drunken idiots \\tossing around casino chips.
  10. So like $12/hr? Yeah, no wonder no one was spitting in the food. A manager at a fast food place here probably makes that much. Minimum wage in some places in the US is only like $5 or $6/hr.
  11. I knew a guy whose brother got hepatitis from someone crapping in Taco Bell food.
  12. Taco Bell is a filthy place. I stopped eating there when I found pieces of bone and tooth in one of my tacos. I can't recall a time I ate there and didn't get explosive diarrhea.
  13. I only go to Toco Bell if I'm constipated. It's fast and cheap.
  14. They should advertise it to hippies and new age people as a cheaper alternative to colonics.
  15. There's something they took off the menu called an enchirito that brought me the closest I've been in my adult life to shitting my pants. The commercial for it had a catchy song that was running through my head while I was blowing fiery chunks out of my ass.