Former KKK grand wizard endorses Donald Trump
A lot of people apparently want to flee to Canada if Trump is elected
Looks like he is going to win? What's the latest. Media reports here in the UK, like the Daily Mail seem to be backing him up (well, the commenters seem to be loving it).
Considering how many Trump fans are misogynists, that ad will probably just make them laugh and want to vote for him more. He talks about women the same way they do when they're out drinking with their bros.
I'm about 90% sure I'm just not going to vote. The choices are an establishment Wall Street shill or a bigoted, loud mouthed buffoon. The only sensible candidate with good ideas was Sanders, but he'll never win the primary because the system was rigged from day 1 with the super delegates. If I do vote, I might actually pick Trump over Hillary. He's an idiot and his ideas are terrible, but I think there's a chance he would be a chaotic force that would burn the whole corrupt system to the ground, while she wants to keep it going and change nothing. Hillary is actually the more conservative candidate in this election. She has Wall Street shoving so much money in her pockets that she is in no way trustworthy while Trump already has his own money and isn't so easily corrupted. Trump would be a big "fuck you" to the political establishment in Washington. I'm tempted to vote for him as the ultimate act of trolling. But I'm probably just not going to vote, because both choices suck, and I'm tired of lesser of the two evils type elections where good candidates like Sanders never make it past the primaries.
I'll vote for Clinton if she's the nominee and do that understanding that she's generally to the right of Obama on economics, banking, and trade. Not what I would prefer, but tanking the system has been the GOP's goal all along. All that would accomplish is to usher in non-democratic government and total economic failure due to default. I'll pass on that one.
Trump still doesn't seem genuine to me. He comes off as acting a part on a live show. The stuff he says perfectly plays to peoples emotions. Genuine or not, I suspect he will fail to make a dent in the corrupt political machine. His campaign is pretty much America 1st, other stuff 'meh'. It resonates with a lot of people. Our company just off-loaded IT to a foreign company. I can tell you regardless of race/age, they are looking at Trump in a positive light.The only candidate even talking about stuff like this. Anecdotal, but it's a very liberal area of the country that should be falling over themselves voting for Hilary. People are worried about their jobs and income this time around. So his remarks strike a cord. I think people need to brace themselves for a Trump presidency. It's a coin-flip, not the freebie for HC that some think.
Pretty much what Supersonic said. I think your average American is far more worried about losing their job to outsourcing than tranny bathroom rights and some of the other non-issues the Democrats seem worried about right now. Trump is talking about that stuff. Shillary is not. For once things seem reversed. The Democrats seem concerned about social issues no one really cares about while Trump is addressing job security which is really the main thing. One big thing I agree with Trump on: companies who outsource should be treated like traitorous scum and punished severely for it. There should be harsh economic sanctions for it. That would put a stop to it real fast.