I'm sickened by all the "free" market talk. The only freedom in it is for big business to rig the system and control everything. Everyone else is enslaved and victimized by it, at least in the rigged manner we see here in the US. It's a shame how far the media has fallen from where it once was. There used to be such a sense of pride in investigative reporting and journalistic integrity. It's horrible what has happened. It seems like the more accurate a media source is, the worse it's ratings will be nowadays.
I figured it out! Their planning to remake the stupid freeking Halo 3:16 monument thing using robots on the moon!! See, no humans necessary. Either that or their planning to invade Neptune for terraforming.
From this it seems that the only way for you Americans to go anywhere is with NASA. Is it really the only choice and if NASA stops to send people to space, no US private company will ever do it? I always thought that in US it's only the matter of "The first man on Moon can take it all" and you are there in no time. What has happened to the country that if NASA is gone all the knowledge, the desire is gone forever.
Our economy is in shambles, private companies have little or no interest in space exploration, and our school system is a joke and isn't producing engineers and scientists the way it once did. Once the shuttle program ends, our space program is pretty much done.