He's an Apple schil so being a lacky for the government really comes naturally to him. I on the other hand grew up reading Hawaiian nation documents so anti-US government is pretty easy for me. It's just another way of thinking. I've also been breaking copyrights while creating content for all my adult life (as a hobby not professionally though... but I know ppl that went on to collegehumor or startups like that because of it) and find his comments to be rather insulting. But again, simple ppl with simple minds can't think in a progressive fashion...
Actually, I'm fascinated by how naive you guys are. File sharing sites aren't being run by people who give a flying f*ck about free speech. It's free money. Period.
and hollywood is? lololol look there's no point really in placing the blame. That's a forgone conclusion I stopped believing in the Easter bunny a long time ago. The point is there's more OPPORTUNITY for good without copyrights getting in the way than there is with them there. IMO we should get rid of the all mighty dollar in the first place. Blame my Native Hawaiian (basically Native Americans are the same way) roots. We do perfectly fine when your whole economy is based on something OTHER than monitary gain.
I've never claimed that Hollywood isn't motivated by money or doesn't involve greed. Lack of copyright would actually make it even harder for the little guy than it is now. Guaranteed.
Uh, I'm not the one that won't admit file sharing sites are basically shells for raking in $$. The argument on this site is always that Hollywood is too "greedy", which means they think internet piracy isn't motivated by greed, which is what makes them naive. I think it's hilarious that they believe internet piracy is primarily motivated by free speech.
So since your not under a false pre-tense that doesn't make you naive. Sounds like a double standard to me. Your doing the exact same thing, rooting (or somehow defending) the greedy bad guy. IMO they're both greedy bad guys, that's not the issue. The issue here is who is being greedier by trying to pass overbearing laws like SOPA?
Like I said much earlier in this thread, SOPA/PIPA are examples of bad legislation. Anything that involves elimination of due process is a non-starter. Anything that would open up sites that obviously aren't oriented around piracy to being summarily shut down for isolated copyright issues is a non-starter. However, it's obvious that many people on this forum don't even recognize copyright as an actual legal right for individuals (which it is). That's literally the equivalent of the SOPA/PIPA mentality. It's the idea that eliminating a rights structure completely is no big deal.
Of course they dont. But piracy laws are just like prohibition. You can try as much as you want but you cant regulate behavior. Pirates deliver the goods people want at the prices they want ($0) while taking a cut in between. Its capitalism!
I am just pointing out the obvious. All the laws in all the land won't stop people from downloading content. Gotta pick your battles, the enforcement money is better spent elsewhere.
so you agree, the government bleemed royally on this one? Sorry, my bad, the issue was actually changed when Monkey de-railed the thread with that Hollywood thing. Naw I actually see it as Android wanting to use push to unlock and Apple crying like a bitch so they can't use it. Copyrights are all well and good, but their bragging rights nothing more. Ever wrestled with your brother over anything? What was the best answer, you could use it if you offered him something. IE you shared. Being a D*bag and running for copyright laws is stupid. Even an 8-year old knows that.
Democratsy in action... too bad the dutch courts can see threw that hoax http://www.maximumpc.com/article/news/dutch_court_denies_apples_second_shot_galaxy_tab_101_ban