Nothing wrong with supporting independent stores; I do the same. They're hardly the same as Game or Gamestation though.
The high street in the UK is in real trouble with some really big names disappearing over the past few years and it seems to be accelerating. The big supermarkets are doing well and opening new stores but they will never be able to accommodate the droves of people loosing their jobs on the high street. Still some good news today, Santander are moving their call centres back to the UK from India so new jobs there. I wish more would follow suit to both create jobs and make it so that I can actually understand the person on the other end of the phone. I don't want to sound racist here but half the time it is hard and they are usually just reading from a sheet. To get anything done in CS departments I now hang up if India answers and call back until I get the UK. I think with India becoming a bigger player on the world stage people there are expecting bigger salaries and soon overseas centres might end up being cost in-effective.
I'll miss blockbuster... but that's ok, they were going out of buisness any way. Gamefly is STUPIDLY cheap, and extra 2 bucks per game rental won't hurt nothing... except Blockbuster since their stupidly expensive and all.
But they employ a lot of people and for that reason it would be horrible for either of them to go under.
Yeah, it's a shame but that's capitalism for you. The problem is their business has been screwed by the internet and the supermarkets. What do they offer in the face of those? At least the indy stores I use have friendly and knowledgable staff with a good selection of stock. My last few visits to Game and Gamestation have hardly shown the same. They've chosen to really expand the used market and now that's now facing challenges. I really doubt they'll last a long time and what they offer now is something I won't miss when it's gone.
Our Gamestation use to be OK but the ratio of emo nerds and vacant zombies has grown at an exponential rate. If it were to carry on, the UK would be overrun by 2012.
Tell me, is this statement true? The new PSN Pass system is going to make second hand game customers like myself get less content for our money. It's already happened, I bought NFS Hot Pursuit pre-owned for £17.99, I have to pay a further £7.99 if I want to play the game online, go back to before EA implemented this scheme and I wouldn't have had to spend this much money as I'd be getting the whole game for £17.99. They didn't make the game cheaper to compensate as you're so sure they will. Imagine that scenario but possibly for all used games on PS3. That's the only issue I'm interested in, the one where I'm being charged more but getting nothing extra.
The PSN Pass has already happened in NFS? Buh? You're muddling things again. How do you know Game wouldn't have charged £25 for that game? I've seen it for less than £20 new many times. Seems like you'd have been better off buying it new. If you spend more and get less that's your problem; you need to shop smarter. In the future, seems like you'll either find new stuff at a similar price or these shitty retailers will have to cut back their vast margins on used stuff. Blaming publishers for fighting back after being fucked over for so long seems a little like a whinging false entitlement issue to me.
Gamestation always have a great 2 for £20 deal going on. That's a great deal that includes many quality titles and I can't exactly see them selling used games at 2 for £10 can you? But let's say for argument's sake they did, if you add the extra charge of £7.99 (used as an example because that's what EA charge for the exact same function) that would be 2 for £10 + £7.99 X 2 which equals around £26 so even if they slashed their already generous offer in half (which I doubt they will) you'd still be worse off than before.
The Game 2 for £20 deals tend to be just for old titles so maybe the costs for access might go down overtime. Who knows how it might develop. And generous? LOL. They cream money off this secondhand shit like nothing else.
Two games for half the price of a new game is pretty generous I feel. We'll just have to wait and see what the details are, I mean we don't know how much they will charge and for what games although Resistance 3 is a guarantee.
You can't consider it generous when their profit margins are 300-500% higher on used games. No generosity there. That fact that you may or may not get a better deal has nothing to do with the stores supposed generosity or lack-there-of.
My question is WHY?? Why would you buy a used game when you practically need to pay full price to play it online?? You have the power, you can think for yourself, if you don't like what EA or Sony is doing don't take part!! Quit trying to think for us. Do you get it? I'm not saying 'yay! Sony wants us to pay extra!' I'm not saying 'Boohoo woe is me, I'll be forced to give up gaming now since I can't save 10% on used games...' either, all I'm saying is let's see what happens, I bet it won't be all that bad.
My point exactly, I won't be buying used games if this turns out to be as bad it looks, all the game I buy will be new and therefore much more expensive than I'm used to. Because of this PSN Pass it's likely I'll be getting one game for £40 rather than 4.
Well some games like God of War or Uncharted can be fully enjoyed offline. Even Gears of War has it's value as an offline only game. In the end though, it's all up to you.
It looks like this is just something we'll have to get used to, first EA, THQ, Warner Bros, Sony and now Ubisoft is jumping on board. Here's what GUNNS4HIRE has to say about the "used game revolution" plus his alternative to the online pass (that will never happen).
I've been saying this for ages. Game prices are way too high. Look at how sales shoot up exponentially during a Steam sale.