Vegan vs Carnivore Debate

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by cmdrmonkey, Feb 25, 2019.

  1. #61 monsly, Mar 8, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2019
    I bet it’s more nourishing than the bowls of nothing you provide.

    If you were to grow a heart and turn up with meat for them, do you know what I’d do? Pat you on the back and thank you for taking the first step to being a better person. Ghandi said become the change you want to be. Get those steaks in the car and bring them down.
  2. I go to food drives. But I donate nourishing food. Not leeks.
  3. No need to humble brag about the food drive to me; I know good deeds are their own reward and I’m glad you’ve taken some steps forward. Just keep going; a few tins of nearly out of date ham will become bags of pasta and fresh meat. Then fresh vegetables from a shop. Then your own produce, made with love and care (and maybe Vegan too, at a push). We’re really not so different; I’m just ahead in this crazy race for now but it looks like you’re catching up, just keep going.
  4. 5 years of veganism. Yes these are the same person.

  5. Contextless, you say? Cherry picked? Pattern of misleading evidence and misrepresentation? Well, I’m convinced!

    Still, despite all the evidence pointing to meat being the biggest killer in terms of diet, we can pretend it isn’t! And, whilst we’re deluding ourselves, let’s pretend it isn’t one of the biggest things killing our planet too!
  6. These kinds of arguments are why I've switched to a 100% 'lent diet. Forget about all the primitive search for nutrients and just get everything I need in one cup
  7. But soylent green is made of people
  8. Sugar is the biggest killer of humans. It’s also highly addictive.

    Cargo ships are the worlds biggest polluters and probably the main thing killing our planet. Cargo ships that carry your fruits and vegetables from far off exotic locations.

    Veganism: a diet based on what sounds correct rather than what is correct
  9. I think you have CJD. Cargo ships the worst polluters? That’s quite a twist on the facts. I’m against pollution, as my actions show, but cargo ships are nowhere near as bad as you say. I think all that dead flesh has rotted your brain. And seeing as I am a local producer and advocate, I’m hardly part of that issue anyway. I’m afraid those carbon emissions, along with all that animal blood, is on your hands.

    I think the main problem is you believe your prejudices are correct and try to twist the world to fit them. Classic alt right snowflake MO - that should give you the biggest hint to change your ways.

    I’m always open to debate and challenge but, if you cannot accept you are wrong, then do not seek discussion. Seek a mirror.
  10. #70 cmdrmonkey, Mar 9, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2019
    Prior to the 1970s and 80s when we started vilifying fat and animal products and pumping sugar and starch into everything to replace fat, obesity was virtually unheard of and people were generally healthy as long as they didn't smoke or drink to excess. But by all means keep blaming the meat that a lot of people are hardly eating and not the pasta, chips, soda sweetened with HFCS, bread, cereal and cookies that they are chowing down on. They eat this crap because people like you told them meat was bad, and almost nobody likes the taste of vegetables. And vegetables hardly provide any real nutrition anyway. Most of what humans need comes from animal sources.

    Veganism doubles down on everything wrong with the modern diet. It's all sugar and the food provides very little real nourishment.
  11. “vegetables hardly provide any real nutrition anyway” is a new favourite from this debate. Nice attempt to muddy the waters with the sugar and processed food too. I guess meat isn’t part of the processed food issue as well? Seems a stretch.

    There’s lots wrong with the modern diet and meat is part of it. Sure, in moderation, meat’s ok but so are many things. But most people don’t eat in moderation and it’s killing them and our planet. I’ve never said a Vegan diet should be taken lightly; for most people, a balanced diet along your natural teeth ratios is possible (80 molar, 20 carnar = 80% veg and dairy, 20% murdered animals).

    I don’t know why you have such an issue with the vegan lifestyle. I suspect it’s out of misguided jealousy and feelings of inadequacy. There’s no need for that; I certainly don’t look down on your shortfalls in this. I’d much rather help.
  12. #72 cmdrmonkey, Mar 9, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2019
    Fruits and vegetables are overhyped. The nutrients in them have low bioavailability. They are slathered in pesticides. They are loaded with antinutrients like oxalates, phytic acid, and goitrogens. Some of them like soy and kale are downright unhealthy. You get some sugar or starch, maybe some fiber, maybe some vitamin C from them and that's about it. We mostly just shit them out.

    Modern fruits and vegetables are also basically man made creations that have only existed for a few hundred years in most cases, sometimes even less. The wild forms and ancient/historical forms are far less edible. They are also far less sugary.

    Animal products are essential. Fruits and vegetables are mostly pretty optional. People are convinced it's the other way around though.

    My stepfather went vegan and died. That's why I have a problem with vegans. I thought I mentioned that earlier in the thread. That's a long story that could be its own thread. My mother who dabbled in vegetarianism a lot herself was so horrifed that she is now almost full carnivore and has been that way for about 15 years. And she has absolutely no health problems and looks 30 years younger than she is.

    They also pushed vegetarianism on me at several points. Tofu is the most disgusting shit I've ever eaten. It tastes like eating some industrial product that was made in a factory.
  13. I could say meat is full of nasty stuff too - hmmm, chlorine basted chicken! Hormone injected beef! Deeeee-licious. Again with false equivalences.

    Modern fruits and vegetables have certainly been CULTIVATED by us for a long time, but created? LOL! Same as is true for, wait for it, MEAT!

    I’m sorry to hear about your stepdad. I’ve not heard of anything that relates the vegan diet regarding that but I’m no expert; I know that often the catalysts for that disease can be hard to pinpoint. I had a relation who suffered thanks to their diet which featured excessive meat and they died of something I think wasn’t helped by that but who really knows?

    I just try to do my best to stop others making decisions without the straight facts. If someone makes a bad and lazy decision after learning the truth then who am I to judge?
  14. #74 cmdrmonkey, Mar 9, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2019
    Animal products pretty much all have healthy options without gross stuff in them if you are willing to spend a bit more.

    meat - spend more and get grass fed antibiotic and hormone free
    eggs - buy the cage free free range eggs. These usually only cost a couple bucks more.
    seafood - stick to wild. don't buy farmed
    dairy - buy grassfed hormone and antibiotic free. It costs twice as much usually.

    All of this stuff also tastes better.
  15. Have you ever had eggs in Europe or Asia? Tastes amazing. The US non-GMO variant should be identical but it's not even close. In fact, it tastes marginally better than the cheap stuff.

    Similar experience with milk. Foreign milk actually makes me sick because it's so rich. But I can drink US organic milk all day.

    I'm very skeptical of non-GMO labeled foods in the USA. I think most are a scam.
  16. I believe eggs in europe and asia are prepped completely differently. In america, when stores sell them, they're chemically cleaned and then sold in proper cooled temperatures.

    In europe and asia, they keep the natural protective coating and don't need to hold them in cool temperatures.
  17. Eggs on the day the free range hens have laid them is the best eggs. Did not know America chemically clean eggs that is pretty shocking really.
  18. #78 cmdrmonkey, Mar 10, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2019
    The milk was probably from 100% grass fed cows. You can find that in America if you look around. Organic milk isn’t necessarily 100% grass fed. The grass fed stuff is super rich. So rich I can't drink more than a few sips. American food is scam city. We’re just a classy China. You have to look closely at what you’re buying.

    The idea of refrigerating eggs or butter for that matter is a recent thing. Nobody used to do this. Talk to your parents or grandparents and they will tell you these foods used to be left out. Butter takes weeks at room temp to go rancid. But most people love butter so much it will never last that long. If you use a butter bell you can keep butter fresh at room temp even longer. Eggs should be shelf stable for a few weeks.

    Edit: apparently the problem with eggs is that once they are refrigerated they sweat, which can lead to bacterial growth if you take them out of the fridge. You either need to refrigerate them and keep them refrigerated, or leave them out and keep them out. You can't go back and forth.
  19. I'm guessing it's the pasteurization process that really makes the difference with milk. Grass fed, Organic or not, milk produces have to follow the pasteurization rules set by each country.
  20. #80 cmdrmonkey, Mar 10, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2019
    end stage veganism rofl

    Please don't start drinking your own urine monsly. Do not listen to the banana people.

    Would not surprise me. I've had raw milk straight out of the cow and it tastes way better than anything you will ever get in a store. I'd drink it that way all the time if I could.