What Games Are You Playing?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Phisix, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Spent some time with inFamous 2 last night and overall didn't get too far because I spent the best part of the time shard hunting. This time they are easier to find as they are bright purple and can be seen from far off.

    There are a few other changes that were a bit weird at first such as your normal electric attach (L1 + R1) draining your bar. I guess hit is to make sure you use the melee weapon more. Also you can't upgrade anything at first, it says I haven't discovered any upgrades even though I have plenty of XP.

    I have also made a start on the 'kill 50 enemies in unpowered areas while not on a mission' trophy as its one I know I will forget to do later.

    I started the game by importing my evil trophies so started slighty evil with a couple of extra energy blob things. The game also seems harder, enemies usually hang around in gangs of 4 or 5 and one volley of shots is usually enough to get you close to death.

    Done a single 'custom' mission created by sucker punch (you need to do a few to get trophies). The one they had was interesting enough and will have to play some more before I try to make one myself.

    Just at the point where I can start side missions but will probably do a bit of trophy farming and shard hunting before I continue. Being able to throw cars around is also a nice touch and the updated graphics are nice. Just a shame Cole has a new voice actor.

    Pretty decent so far.
  2. I just tried out the PC demo of Homefront. This game is a MAG copy. That's not completely a bad thing, as I think MAG is a good game. In fact, Homefront wasn't bad, either. But the similarities are very obvious if you've played MAG before. So if you like MAG, you'll probably like Homefront.
  3. FEAR 3

    Glad I only downloaded this. The graphics are quite dated and strangely don't seem anywhere near as good as the first game which came out in 2005, it's not scary, the shooting mechanics are lousy, the AI sucks (the AI being one of the strong suits of the original game), and it's very repetitive. I liked the first two games. I thought the original was a bit overrated, and the second one was underrated, but this one falls squarely in the "meh" category. It doesn't really feel like a Fear game so much as a generic military shooter.

    Edit: Just saw that it wasn't even developed by Monolith. That explains a lot. It's basically a bargain bin knockoff that exists to cash in on the success of the first game.

    Meh, I thought Project Origin ended on a very creepy and disturbing note that was fitting for this series. I don't see why a sequel was even necessary.
  4. I never even finished the second one to be honest. It felt a bit different to the first although I did enjoy it. I will have to pick up 2 again and finally the new one for the story though.
  5. I play the second one on the 360 and was left feeling it was an extremely average game, I wouldn't recommend it and so I've no interest at all in Fear 3.
  6. Mass Effect on PC

    Unfortunately I lost my save game from a few years ago and had nothing to import into Mass Effect 2. With nothing to import, it defaults to the most lame and unsatisfying choices you could have made in the first game. No problem though, as ME1 is one of the greatest games I've ever played. Once I'm finished, I'll play through ME2 again. I also downloaded Lair of the Shadow Broker and Overlord because I heard they were good.
  7. Overlord is indeed good. It's freaky and downright disturbing at the end, you'll enjoy it.
  8. The full game Overloard (where you command a demon hoard) is pretty fun too lol. I thought you were talking about that at first lol.

    I just re-hooked up my wii that I bought last week. My dogs tore the cord off my controler right after I bought it :/ so I had to order a new one. Anyway I also got a 360 I'm borrowing :) I've already got 20 wii games, plus the 30 or so 360 games I've amassed I think I'm good. will be working a lot this weekend though :/
  9. I just got a copy of Shatter on my PS3. Its pretty fun, but the soundtrack is absolutely incredible.

    I also played the demo for Outland and decided that was going to be my next purchase. I'm installing Uncharted 3 beta right now.
  10. Defense Grid. Best $2.50 I’ve ever spent.
  11. I'm currently playing through GTA IV again, only this time on the PS3. I'm closing in on 100% again, all I've got left are the stunt jumps, the vigilante missions and one random pedestrian and I'm done... again. I'll never get the Auf weidersein Petrovic trophy as I gave up on that on the Xbox. What you have to do for that trophy is simply ridiculous.
  12. Why the negative comments about Alan Wake before? I think this game is pretty darn good, except the aged graphics of course.
  13. I play AC2, I have finally arrived Venice. It's a solid 8 for me now.

    - great, open cities to explore
    - historical references

    - too linear and you can't do anything about that. "Kill 5 men" and it's boring after you kill 2 of them.
    - long sequences which are not relevant to the plot. E.g. after the sequence with Leonardo's carriage, there's this city where you have to go to the port. The city seems completely unimportant, you just spend time traveling through the map from the bottom to the top. Another example - suddenly you get out of animus and have to complete some irrelevant tasks and listen to boring dialogues to be able to get to the animus again.
    - subtle technical issues. I love the moment I turn into an empty passage and then, suddenly, it becomes crowdy, people appear out of nowhere.

    I will keep on playing and wonder whether or not the ending will change my judgement.
  14. about to quit AC1 and I just got to Damascus. I like it well enough... but I don't want to play it on xbox :/
  15. Are you kidding? I had the first two on the xbox and as soon as I buy a new one I'm getting brotherhood and eventually revelations, gotta keep the franchise on one system lol.
  16. exactly it's not mine, I want to keep it on one system.
  17. The ending is far better than the ending to the original, that's all I have to say about that.
  18. Playing Fable II (no difficulty settings :( but not so bad on an RPG... on an FPS that would be UNFORGIVABLE), impressed... but certainly NOT GOTY impressed. Gawdy maybe. Nah my only complaint is the terrible responsiveness of the environ. those objects you need to press A to execute a somewhat hard to do :/ I walk to the chest, get the instructions to press A, press A and nothing happens. I move back and stop BEFORE I get the instructions and it STILL may not work. Now since I'm a greedy little bastard I don't mind trying 3x, but you SHOULDN'T have to deal with this.

    the one button magic interface, while kind of fun to mash :), is kind of annoying to use. Not sure what the purpose of higher lvl spells are if you can't call them up in combat :/

    similar to Torchlight really.
  19. The high level spells are awesome. I used to cast the level 3 slow down time spell then start charging my level 5 lightning spell. I killed so many baddies that way. I'm pretty sure you can charge the spells even if you're getting hit, it's so satisfying to see them attacking me knowing my revenge will be swift and brutal.