What Games Are You Playing?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Phisix, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. you Brits are brutal. Anyway!

    Started Star Ocean The Last Hope. Sure it's practicaly a launch game but this game is straight up PS2 quality!! It ran me $25 bucks too :( the controls really bite and there's no way to uninvert the camera. At least you can change the buttons from default, they had the b button which is usually 'cancel' as 'execute' and the a button which is usually 'execute' as 'cancel'. I think SO has always been this way, which is stupid. They also start you off at the edge of the battle field in fights, your opponents, on the OTHER edge, isn't even on screen when you start!! I usually end up running the other way :x
  2. I started Arkham Asylum last night. I can see why people like it even though I just started.
  3. Star Ocean has graduated from a ps2 game to a 'next (but obviously still early next gen)' gen game. It gets quite pretty on the homeworlds. Each dungeon is taking 3-4 hours to beat with a half hour to 2 whole hours of cutscenes! This IS one of those cutscene heavy games. I don't mind cutscenes... if they're not preceded by 3 hour dungeons with nary a save point in between :/. Not that I have much to do, but that's a long time to be sitting on the couch. If you do see that one save point and you think 'maybe I'll skip this one, I'm sure there'll be a save point and I can play for a half hour more :)', yeah right... that does NOT happen. You'll end up playing for another 4 hours and before you know it your on the couch for the ENTIRE DAY!! Why do I torture myself like this?
  4. You talking about the newest Star Ocean? The dungeons never took that long, but then I am a seasoned rpg lover. I hear there is a long dungeon about an hour long if you know what your doing. So a 5 hour one if you never done it before, lol,
  5. seasoned shmeezon you sayin somthin about my skillz son? Bet I played more rpgs than you :D but whatever. I just never miss battles, do every single one. And there's the monster collection thing, I do that too (but not too excess...) so if a monster is somewhat easy to find I'll fight it the required 30 times before I go :). Some hedgehog non-perfectionist could easily blast through in half the time I'm sure :) I also max the bonus board which takes a bit of time too- granted I'm sure it'll save me some in the long run.

    But even so, that stupid ship I just finished was a giant maze that'd take anyone a few hours to go through. mind you I'm not using a guide in this game since everything is on the map :).

    So I can't wait for that 5-hour one :x. Bring it on :)
  6. Star Ocean: The Last Hope was pretty good but but Lymle and Meracle had some terrible voice actors and it drives you nuts after a while. I have been tempted to pick up the PS3 version as I believe it has some extra stuff and at end game you don't have to keep swapping disks to go to other places which is stupid.

    I NEED a new game TODAY but don't know what to get as there isn't much good out so suggestions people, you have 3 hours to convince me on something good.
  7. Batman Arkham Asylum if you haven't already got it.
  8. Game recommendations, eh? Hmmm, I'm in the same boat. KZ3 gas been good but mainly for the online - if that doesn't appeal that much I wouldn't recommend it. What kind of game do you fancy?
  9. I really don't know thats the worst thing but I NEED something new. I looked at my pile of PS3 games yesterday (which is bigger than I realised) and having played them all none of them took my fancy and I ended up watching crap on the TV.
  10. I've been playing the Tomb Raider Trilogy, KZ3 and Everybody's Golf on the PS3 recently. Picked up motorstorm apocalypse but I wouldn't highly recommend that.
  11. Have you tried The 2D Adventures Of Rotating Octopus Character?
  12. What a fruitless visit. Gamestation and GAME just have all the generic crap filling every shelf.
  13. I told you they were shit but you wouldn't have it. I've also found precisely fuck all so far.
  14. Well you can install the game onto your HD now so... I heard the disc switching could get insane, I'll be sure to mention if it is relieved by you installing it or not. I initially installed disc 1 and 2 just to see if they'd combine or if the stupid machine would just image each disc and pull the whole thing over. Considering there's basic data on all three discs that seems pretty wastefull lol. I don't think it did anyway, both discs were combined into one and it's 'just' 11 gigs! I still have yet to install disc 3 though... I've also yet to reach disc 2 as well... I just know that when I got it my brother had installed Dragon Age and System Info said it was 'Dragon Age Disc 1'. My thing still says 'Star Ocean: TLR Disc 1' so maybe that's just default for multi-disc games :x.

    As fo game suggestions? I'm sure you've played every fairly common PS3/ 360 game out there but... what about PS2/ PS1 games? how long have you been a gamer? Care to buy my old 32x?? lol lots of 2 hour games to be had there xD.
  15. Occasionally I play Assassin's Creed 2 and my first impression still holds. The game is terribly repetitive with all these copy/pasted environments and linear missions.

    My goal was to reach Venice and get the access to the San Marco Piazza and because I am already there the game could end soon as I am getting bored.

    All these fancy gameplay mechanics are pointless because usually the best method to get a guy you are obliged to assassinate is to get straight to him even if the environment suggests that some subtle actions should be taken.

    For example, the last assassination where I had to climb to a roof of a villa and kill a guy who was walking through a gallery and was to get into a boat. My first attempt failed because I didn't know that after he gets to a boat the mission will restart. Two other attempts failed because I tried to be subtle, climb, hide, attack and then hide but there were just too many guards. Then I've decided to wait using the eagle vision until the guy shows up downstairs and jump from the very roof straight at him. Although I've lost almost all the energy, I've been finally able to easily end the mission.

    It's still a solid game, definitely high above the average but I am not quite satisfied. I've heard that AC Brotherhood is "much better" but the point is that I started from AC2 because it was supposed to be "much better" than AC1. What I think of then is to finish AC2 (just to see this "famous" ending) and then skip ACB and wait for reviews of AC Revelations.
  16. That's why I got it. I still haven't played it though.
  17. I still haven't finished AC2. I think I'm somewhere near the end. There were parts of it I really liked, but it could still be incredibly repetitive and boring like the first game.
  18. The ending is crazy, you should definitely finish it.
  19. I beat The Witcher 2 the other day, although my achievements don't seem to have registered. I've started a second game and have been following the magic upgrade path. I also made some radically different choices in the story, and it has a significant impact of where you go and what you do. Not only are the relationships between characters different, but you actually will end up at different locations entirely. I'm stationed at a place in which I experienced a single major battle in the previous playthrough but I did not have the opportunity to see many of the things I'm seeing now. I'm playing through parts I just got a tiny bit of background info from the dialogue in the previous run. I'm very pleased that they took the time to show different perspectives depending on what choices you make. There's some overlap, but it absolutely merits a second playthrough at minimum.
  20. I played through The Witcher 2 a second time, and to my surprise a mage character is really, really potent. I focused on my 2 favorite magic signs, Igni and Quen, rather than trying to power everything up. I used the extra points I saved by focusing on these 2 types on melee combat skills. I can decimate entire crowds of soldiers in seconds. You can really turn your character into a wrecking ball by the end of the game if you get the right gear and make the right upgrades.