What Games Are You Playing?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Phisix, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. ~mid-30% CPU
    99% GPU

    It's actually fairly playable on Ultra afterall with a 6950. A bit of tearing and not silky smooth, but it's very playable. The last time I tried I think the level was buggy.

    I think I'll be OK with this CPU for quite awhile.
  2. Street Cleaning Simulator for PC

    Here's what people are saying:

  3. I have to admit the Street Cleaning Simulator sounds interesting. I looked for it on Steam.

    Right now I'm installing The Forced Unleashed II. It's been so long since I've used the DVD drive I didn't even realize that mine didn't work. I had to use an external USB one to load the game.

    Sort of a POS port eh? I've had to disable controller drivers just to get the keyboard to work and it froze up on me 10 minutes into the game.
  4. it just didn't like the force you used, you don't prod it with a usb stick clueless padowan!
  5. Pinball FX 2

    How did I miss this? I think this is something that has been out on XBLA for about a year, but it's really well done. They take full advantage of the fact that the tables are digital and add in all kinds of detailed 3D models and animations. The physics are a bit different than traditional pinball...they've tweaked it so that the ball moves faster around the play field, but it still feels "right" so to speak. It's also harder for the ball to drain than traditional pinball, so that makes up for the faster movement.

    Current favorite tables are Blade (yep, the Marvel character), Mars, Earth Defense, and Ms. Splosion Man.
  6. Gears of War 3 is amazing, no discussion.
  7. How does it compare to the other two?
  8. Hard Reset smokes them all.




    I love blowing stuff up. No online, but the single player mode is insane.
  9. Better in every way. There's still a bunch of shotgun cocks online, especially with the new sawed off shotgun, but it's still great fun. Horde 2.0 reminds us all why Horde is better than Nazi Zombies. I've played the first Act of the campaign and it's epic. Everything about this game is awesome. Sometimes it can take a little while to find a match but it's usually worth it. If you like Gears you'd be insane not to buy this game, you really would, best game I've bought for a long time. The overall experience is head and shoulders above the other two Gears games.

    I've not played Hard Reset but I'm confident in saying that it's not as good as Gears 3.
  10. Naw, these weapons in Hard Reset are way better than anything that I've seen in gears.

    And it being a PC exclusive, kind of makes me proud too. :)
  11. Laser guns and electric guns? Never seen those in a game before lol. They do look cool but how can you compare a lightning gun to a gun with a god damned chainsaw bayonet?

    Where the fun in a lightning gun? It's all about chainsawing mother fuckers.
  12. Which is why Sphess Marheen is so good.
  13. Yeah, if you like playing inferior copies of Gears of War.
  14. Armadeadn, I have lost much respect for you son. Much respect. I think you should know that Gears copied Warhammer 40k.
  15. I knew you'd say that. Gears may have copied Warhammer but the Gears games are actually good. Wasn't Warhammer 40k Space Marine the first 3rd person Warhammer shooter? If so then you can fairly claim that they're now copying Gears. Either way, whoever's copying who isn't the issue. The fact remains that Gears is the best 3rd person shooter right now.
  16. It's not like Gears at all though, game play wise the only familiar thing that they share is that the shooting mechanic is very similar and considering that the primary form of combat is melee the two games are almost completely different.
  17. Yeah but it's not long until Uncharted 3.

  18. Hey monsly, tried out Sphess Marheen yet?
  19. Space Marine has a lot more going for it than Gears 3. But I still prefer the old school approach of Hard Reset. Its weaponry brings back fond memories of Turok and Quake.
  20. Yeah, I'm just over half way through it. It's a good, solid game - the melee and shooting mechanics work nicely together and the 40k setting has been well realised. With a bigger budget, some more variety and locations it could've been really quite something. Still, I've found enough in it to justify my cheapish purchase; it's definitely worth checking out if you're a Warhammer fan for sure.