What Games Are You Playing?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Phisix, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. And Gears will still be the best 3rd person shooter, Uncharted isn't all that good. I haven't touched the first one for months after playing it for about 4 hours and getting bored.
  2. Is Drake not muscular enough for you?
  3. It's not that, it's just he's in a shit game. I take that back, it's definitely not a shit game, it just doesn't entertain me, and although it looks good it feels kind of cheap, not enough momentum lol.
  4. So he's not BIG enough for you :eek:
  5. Looks like Armadeadn prefers a big, meaty man who will throw his weight around.
  6. he and cmdrmonkee should compare homophobe stories
  7. oh! they already did, excellent.
  8. It's a good thing you retracted your statement or you would have been declared mentally insane.
  9. Arma is insane (more so) when it comes to Uncharted. He's not a gamecube puncher for nothing.
  10. How can you love Gears yet hate Uncharted? The themes and stories are different, but the gameplay is very similar. The biggest difference in gameplay is probably that Uncharted is more vertical in nature. I felt like playing Gears online helped me to quickly adjust to the online component of Uncharted 2. It was very similar except somone could jump behind me from the second story or pull me over a ledge. And no chainsaw raping.
  11. The only way those two franchises are similar is in that fact that they're both shooters. Gears features a Resident Evil style movement control (UP = forwards, DOWN = backwards, LEFT = strafe left, RIGHT = strafe right) whereas Uncharted uses a Metal Gear Solid style control system (stick direction = character direction). Both games do feature a cover system but the one in Uncharted feels really cheap and tacked on, not very polished. Two of the main ways of traversing the land in Uncharted by far are climbing and jumping, two things that are almost entirely unseen in Gears of War. I personally don't think the gameplay of these two games are at all similar, that's how I can love one but not the other.

    Also Nathan Drake just seems to be a smart alecy, wise cracking stereotype and I'm not a fan, just sayin'.
  12. :D lol, and musclebound space marines are original?
  13. Gears aren't Space Marines. Space Marines are too awesome to be Gears. Anyway, gears are just normal soliders as there isn't any space travel in the gears universe.
  14. I've played a few hours of Dark Souls. It's very similar to Demon's Souls, although it doesn't maintain the level of fairness that Demon's Souls did. It's felt a bit cheap at times.
  15. Any examples?
  16. In Dark Souls, you tend to get swarmed by multiple enemies all the time. The game's controls are fantastic for smaller numbers, but you sometimes are getting pounded from every direction. It seems like they have significantly increased the average number of opponents that are attacking you, and even the weakest foes seem to be more durable and capable. I don't mind dying frequently over strategic mistakes, but I don't care for simply being swarmed by numbers. The controls are better suited for less enemies simultaneously. Perhaps I will get better at handling this issue, but I think it can really be frustrating.

    BTW, there are these large knights that I swear remind me of those bastards from Golden Axe. They are enormous and kill me in 2 quick hits, and they knock you down when they connect. I've only killed one of them so far.
  17. Musclebound marines then. Same thing.
  18. Force Unleashed II

    It's no Jedi Outcast but it has some appeal. The fast unlocks of the force powers makes me want to keep playing. The story is kind of week and the glitches are horrendous.
  19. @bfun

    I enjoyed the original Force Unleashed quite a bit despite it being a buggy mess. It could have been awesome with more polish. Maybe I'll give the second one a go at some point.