What Games Are You Playing?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Phisix, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. I've met only one, just before Tauron. I've almost killed him with bombs. Next two approaches were unfair, without bombs he's unbeatable.
  2. Do you mean the black knights? I got a sword from one that needs 20 str and 18 Dex and only need 1 point in Dex to try it out.

    I am at the unread parish. Took out the two annoying enemies inside the church bit and now just need to go to the roof where I think that 2 gargoyle boss fight is. That demon boss in undead burg took me out a couple of times but a few fire spells dealt with him in the end.

    I did wander into the garden/green areas but thought I was in the wrong place so went back to the church and found a way up which is where I am now. If you are not that faring the game yet I advise when you get to the church go to the right and you will find a bonfire near a blacksmith. Going forward takes you to the garden area. From the church here is also an elevator back to the firelike shrine which is handy but you need to take out the guy inside who looks like the tower knight in demon souls to be able topo wander in freely. He doesn't respawn like the black knights and armoured boar which is good.be carefu when going up from this area, room full of zombies but they gang up (like 10 of em) and first time they are with a caster to make it harder. Kill him and he doesn't come back but they do.

    I really want to kill the dragon on the bridge as it is supposed to give a good sword really early on and 10,000 souls but I can't be bothered with shooting it 120 odd times.
  3. Yes, I it looks like they are called black knights. I killed the one guarding the Tearstone Ring with flame attacks from my Pyromancer. It wasn't easy, though. That jerkoff is aggressive and has knockdown power. I unexpectedly met a second one near the boar, and that guy killed me. I didn't expect him to be so persistent when I tried to flee. It was like being pursued during an invasion, and he's quite fast.

    That enemy reminded me of this boss from Golden Axe:

  4. I've definitely enjoyed FIFA 12 on the 360 so far. The physics and AI have made the game more unpredictable and the flow of play more natural. It did take me a while to get used to how to play defense effectively now that slide tackles are FAR more risky (as they should be). It's more about anticipating and intercepting passes now.

    I think my main complaint so far is that EA has done away with paper manuals being included with their sports titles. There are so many different skill moves in this game that it kind of blows that you don't have a quick reference. And besides, if they're trying to be more environmentally friendly by eliminating the manuals, why is the case still plastic??
  5. FIFA is utter shite. You need to get the new Pro Evo 2012!
  6. I've been playing game dev story like a fiend today. About to make a game sequel.. and then when I get hardware engineer, i'm gonna make my own console! muahhahah!
  7. You're a bit late to the Game Dev party aren't you? Has it only just been released on Android or something? You'd better have a good excuse. I got mega-addicted to that game - my golf puzzle series earnt me serious dough.
  8. nah, I don't play games on phones really. I messed with them a bit on my iPod touch I bought in 2009 but that was short lived. I didn't use it anymore after I got my android phone and gave it to my sister earlier this year. all of my paid apps are utilities for android.

    this is my first paid game. :) I have it installed on the touchpad, not the phone.
  9. I've discovered happy wheels on the webs. It's awesome!
  10. Wheel chair guy is a pain in the ass.
  11. I'm trying to figure out a way to post replays here. I click on the URL of the replay and click on copy but when I paste nothing shows up.
  12. I'm about 2/3 through Uncharted 3. It's been excellent and is a feast for the senses, although it doesn't seem quite as polished as Uncharted 2. It froze on me in Chapter 10, which was a shock. Also, I've seen occasional slowdown, albeit very minor and brief. On the other hand, I haven't seen a better looking console game. Audio is again superb in 7.1 LPCM.
  13. Im in the last quarter of it on Crushing. It's far too easy at the moment and I nearly have the platinum too.
  14. Show off. It took me a year to get my first platinum.
  15. Assassins Creed 2 was my first and only platinum and it was easy. I will be done with the U3 one soon then I will go for the U1 and U2 ones and then I have to finish off the Batman: AA one. I am one trophy off from getting the platinum on FFX but I need to farm for more money and to make sure I have two of everything to get that damn "all equipment" trophy.
  16. Well seeing as both of my consoles from this generation are broken I have been forced to use the Wii. I have asked someone for Skyward Sword as a Christmas present so decided to play Twilight Princess again and overall am enjoying it.

    Don't think I have played it through since 2007 so I don't remember everything but I am having no problems with it and am getting through it pretty quickly even with side quests and collectables. Most of the time I have a hazy memory of what to do and even in the Lakebed Temple I had no trouble finding my way around again.

    Last night I finished the Arbiters Grounds (sand dungeon) and it was a lot easier than I remembered. I think I got through it in 30-45 minutes so it was probably the shortest dungeon so far as it is very linear.

    Think I am up to around 11 hours so far so it is proving a worthwhile time waster. If I still end up with little to do before Christmas then I may do Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 again as I did enjoy those.
  17. I really want to play mario Galaxy 2 and skyward sword, but im not buying a Wii for just them.
  18. The reviews say that Skyward Sword is long, 40 odd hours on your first play-through which is good for me. I love a long game, fed up with finishing games in 8 hours, never feel like I am getting my moneys worth with them.
  19. Fancy a long game eh? When you get your new PS3, it might be worth checking out Sacred 2. It's a sort of Diablo-esque game. I'm currently playing and it's massive. 12 hours in and I've only seen 6% of the map. It's got offline and online multiplayer too