What Games Are You Playing?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Phisix, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. The characters in VII and VIII are ridiculously emo though. Although that probably worked in their favour as all the angsty teens could relate in an "Everything's sooo unffaaaaiiir" kinda way.

    Were you an angsty teen?

    Also, what is "story is"?

    [edit] this is my 500th post! Half a century.
  2. I think VIII was far more emo than VII, none of it matters however because IX outdone them both.
  3. In terms of emo-ness or in terms of goodness?
  4. In terms of goodness, its probably the best FF since the PS1 era closely followed by XII.
  5. Yeah, I thoroughly enjoyed IX. That Vivi was a pretty emo shit though, "oh, I'm not a real person! WAH WAH WAH"
  6. Squall worst the worst Emo. He screamed it. Always quiet and winging about not caring about people.
  7. "worst the worst"? You seem to be a bit Confused, old chap
  8. I bought mass effect 2 yesterday for ps3 as I've heard good things about it. I didn't get very far and there's a he'll of a lot to take in in terms of the backstory and general universe. I'm reserving judgement til I've played it for a few days.
  9. I personally don't really think it's necessary to play the first ME to understand ME2, but that's just me.
  10. I've put down gaming for the most part over the last few months. When I do sit down it usually Black Ops on the 360. Recently I've been using the 360 more as a set top box.
  11. Currently playing:

    Final Fantasy VI: At the last part of the game where you search for the group members again. Currently at the part in Edgar's castle.

    Final Fantasy VII: Yes, started this once again. Currently just got Vincent and about to go to the Nibel mountains.

    Conker: Conkers bad fur day: Just about to do that Barn Robot boss.

    So, playing a few games at the moment. Classics of course are still the best.
  12. I've recently dug Out my DS and I've started playing Dragon Quest IV, I've pretty close to completing it now And I've gotta say it's a really good game.
  13. Started up the Snes version of Chrono Trigger last night. I had the PS1 American version back when I was 16 but never got far for some reason, but I will go through this epic game this time.

    Currently I just done the first "Dungeon" type area where you meat Frog.
  14. I'm currently trying to collect all the cars in gran turismo 5, currently at 65% complete, that's about 640 unique cars.
  15. you turning frog into food or you having hardcore sex with frog?
  16. I obviously meant "Meet". Silly rabbit. :p
  17. http://www.meatfrogproductions.com/
  18. I've started a new world in Minecraft. So far I've made a large enclosed crop farm which has something like 120 individual wheat growths (or what ever they are called); a live stock 'house' where animals are likely to spawn (well lit with grass so I can get animals at night for resources); about 3 mineshafts that go into the stupidly large cave system beneath the spawn area, I found 3 dungeons in there, one was just 4 blocks beneath the surface.

    Finally, I have just finised a tower that goes to height limit as a marker of my farms in case I go wondering. It also functions as an observation tower and has a nice redstone double door system in place.
  19. Whatever happened to our plans for castle grayskull?
  20. They will come to fruition but first we need a server to run.