Chrono Trigger is probably my favorite game of all time. Just thinking about it has the brilliant "Corridors of Time" theme playing in my head. I loved just about everything, and you can have several options that lead to multiple endings. It was a near perfect game, especially for its time, but the fantastic art direction, musical score, and design make it far more resistant to aging than most games from that era. Loved frog's "ribbit" sound or the expressive, exaggerated, and comical character animations even now. Enjoy.
I loved this game when I first had it many years ago, but I cannot remember for the life of me why I stopped. Most probably some epic PS2 RPG came out which took me away. Currently I just left the future the first time and just finished that counter attacking boss in that cave in 1000AD. Back to the fair is the next step. I am loving this so far, and the graphics are the best on the SNES by a mile. The combat is easy, but the character combo's are quite good. I think there are 12 or 13 I read. I don't have time to see them all though as I have lots of old classics to finish. Including Chrono Cross which I failed t finish when I had it on my PSP PS1 emulator due to the PS3 keeping me occupied with Demon Souls and Uncharted 2.
I started Playing UFC 2009 again the other day as I have pretty much completed all my other games and don't want to buy anything new, tbh it's pretty crap but it wastes time.
That when down da pooper when the minecraft server raped my wallet. I'm too lazy to file a pay pal dispute so I will hold an eternal grudge. Anyone who lays eyes on this post will soon die.
I have been playing FFIX AGAIN.. The game is too fantastic and gets me hooked everytime, just rescued Garnet and ended up a Pinnacle Rock so will be getting Ramuh sooner rather than later. I am thinking about going to pick up 3D dot Game Heroes today as I fancy a bit of Zelda style adventuring but knowing me I will save the £15 because I am too cheap at times.
Started Playing Time Hollow on the DS last night at 1.30 as I couldn't sleep ended up playing it till about 6.30 and Completed it, It was a pretty fun game kinda like Phoenix Wright in the way that you have to find clues and evidence to advance the story, It was quite Easy but had a decent storyline.
yeah My brother Used to own it, about 4 times in fact!, I Can't remember it I ever completed it personally although I know I've seen it being completed several times lol.
@ Hellripper: I will not, thats not his real name I've started playing Fifa 10 again as I'm bored as hell and in desparate need of new games I'm tempted to go out today and just buy a stack of new games like Dead Rising 2 Both Uncharted's Alan Wake and Heavy Rain, they would keep me entertained for a lil while methinks.
Do it! You will be set for a long time. All quality games. Start with the Uncharted's in order first though.
Yeah, but I don't really wanna spend any money atm thats the only problem I'll probably Head into Town tomorrow and have a proper look round.
yeah It would make more sense to only buy a few at a time which would most likely be both Uncharted's but I saw Alan Wake for a tenner the other day so that could be an absolute Bargain.
Then why did you not pick it up? Get that and the two Uncharted's. Trust me, when you complete Uncharted you will want to play Uncharted 2.
yeah It was £10.95 in Blockbuster But I didn't know if it was any good or not so I didn't buy it, I've just made a thread about it. So it's good then?
Sorry I made a spelling mistake, I was supposed to put.. It could be if it wasn't Alan Wake you were paying £10 for!