What Games Are You Playing?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Phisix, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Looks like I only put 11 hours into it. The last thing I remember was over building my habitat without enough supports and having it get crushed.
  2. I made that mistake initially. My base filled up with water. I had to go around with my repair tool and seal the cracks in the hull before the water could be pumped out.

    This is what that base has become:

  3. I played this puzzle but it was missing pieces so I'm sad. 7/10

  4. 3d print them you lazy ass.
  5. I just started playing Subnautica and I don't really get what I'm supposed to do. The ship is surrounded by radiation. There doesn't seem to be any indication of where I'm supposed to go or what I'm supposed to do. I get that it doesn't want to hold your hand, but a little hand holding in the beginning would be nice.
  6. So I must've watched this English dude play Subnautica for 30 hours a few years ago. I believe you're supposed to go find stuff in a large burning spaceship wreckage. Then use that to build an underwater fortress.

    Game looked really cool, but I value it at < $5. Surprised to see it's going for $25.
  7. The radiation is around the ship wreckage, which is to the northeast - east side of your life pod. The story and progression are driven by hunting down whatever coordinates your radio provides, though if you explore, you can find stuff early. It does not hold your hand hardly at all.

    The game has moments where you feel like you have plateaued and and aren't sure how to progress, but in those moments, you need to take a risk, go a little farther or deeper and the game opens up again with new tech. I think those are the most rewarding moments. I am really in love with the game. I've been bingeing all weekend.
  8. The spaceship has some of the largest predators lurking around it. You need to build ships, suits, and bases to explore further and deeper. I think there is an end game now where you can escape the planet.
  9. @hawk4x4

    In City Skylines, how do I keep the poop from coming out of the showers? The sewage wont pump back to my river.
  10. #1430 cmdrmonkey, Feb 27, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2018
    I'm enjoying Subnautica. It's cool discovering stuff. The game world is beautiful. It has a pretty relaxing, chill feel to it. It's a bit like Minecraft crossed with No Man's Sky in an underwater setting. You can just kind of do your own thing. Explore and build stuff. Getting a vehicle and the bigger oxygen tank opens up the game world a lot. I don't know if it's worth $25, but it's definitely worth picking up at some point if you like exploration and sandbox games.
  11. Its been a while, but from what I remember, you have to have multiple outlets for the sewer to handle volume. Also, if your city is big enough, you should have water treatment available, which just has to be inline somewhere.

    Also, make sure your sewer outlets have power? That's just a guess, because I had that issue a lot in the game where I overlooked utility access to small areas.

    Can you post a pic? Maybe seeing the interface again will help.
  12. I figured it out. I was trying too run separate pipes for sewage and water when the same pipe can do both.
    • agree agree x 1
  13. So your citizens are drinking poo water? Do turds and diarrhea come out when they turn on the faucet?
  14. Wow. even Yahtzee loved Subnautica. A rare positive review from him

  15. Skylines is a beautiful game but it doesn't provide much guidance. I expect I'll be a certified civil engineer after a few more cities.
    • lol lol x 1
  16. Honestly, this trend away from hand holding tutorials in games is a huge positive so far.
  17. True. A lot of the fun of Subnautica has come from figuring stuff out on my own. I had to look up how to find cave sulphur. Was amused that Yahtzee had the same issue.
  18. Whoah Subnautica has dry land. It's far away though. Almost impossible to reach without the seamoth sub.
  19. Spoiler alert for my question:

    Which dry land? I've found two islands so far.
  20. #1440 cmdrmonkey, Mar 3, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2018
    I found a floating island. Then I found another island after posting that.

    I compared this game to Minecraft and No Man’s Sky before, but it also has a Metroid/Castlevania type of thing going on too where previously inaccessible areas are opened up with new equipment, and you keep going deeper and deeper into the game world. Literally as you end up in caves that are at tremendous depths. I love the Metroid games, especially Super Metroid and Metroid Prime, so that might be part of why I’m enjoying this so much.

    I had modest expectations, but this game has really impressed me.
    • agree agree x 1