80% of users on iOS 5 compared to 7% on Android ICS. That's the numbers from early June of this year. I think there's some irony there in regards to Android being referred to as the techie power user OS.
This isn't even something to debate with though. Jelly Bean has already been officially announced by Google a few weeks ago. http://www.android.com/whatsnew/ That article you linked to was before the Google unveiled it. I'm not even sure how the guys who came up with the rumor decided it would be android 5.0 as it literally never made sense for google to move to that version number. They moved from android 2.3 to 3.0 as it was a totally new android overhaul and was only produced for tablets. Then they moved from 3.0 to 4.0 as that they merged it into a phone UI and kept the tablet UI in there so it could be used for both platforms. It would only make sense for google to move back to the incremental version numbers from there (2.0, 2.1 = Eclair, 2.2 Froyo, 2.3 Gingerbread) until their next big android overhaul. This was probably one of the more ridiculous android rumors I've heard hitting the tech blogs.
Then I probably wouldn't trust any information in their articles, if they can't even get the version number correct.
I got my Galaxy Nexus. The OS is a little different and I'm trying to get used to it. I need to get a skin for it.
I just use nova launcher which is based off of the stock launcher, with a few extra features. did you get 4.1 preinstalled? or you still waiting for ota.
I recommend sticking to the stock launcher for a while. A lot of the launchers kind of suck right now due to Google shifting more focus into adding features into the launcher. With ICS and Jelly Bean, it's actually better than most.
No I have the Galaxy S II (sprint variant). I used to use an extended battery for my htc evo. Ended up I didn't really need it. It just added extra bulk for me. My usage gives me ~60% battery remaining by the end of a work day. I just invested on getting an extra oem battery for when I need it. Works much better that way since you can just slip that in your pocket and your phone is still the same size. My phone comes with an 1800mah battery. I bought a samsung branded standalone charger and it and it came with a 1800mah battery for galaxy S II phones too, so it was a win for me. The main times I need it is when I go on vacation to somewhere I'm not familiar with. I went to Chicago in May and used google navigation for walking and transit directions A LOT. The extra battery was a life saver. If you decide to get an extended battery, invest in a first party one. Third party ones tend to use cheap cells that die after some time so they may eventually end up weaker than your stock battery.
I can get 3 days regular use out of my galaxy s2, but I usually charge it on the second day to be safe or incase I want to do something a little less regular. As Khaid said the time you would need an extra battery the most is when traveling and needing GPS. If you only need it in your car however a usb car charger would make more sense for most.
I went to Chicago last week. It was a sticky wet hell. I can get a Samsung 2100 mah battery for about $30. Stock is 1750 mah. The size increase is minimal so I'll probably go for it.
Anybody dabble with the portable capacitor chargers? I have been thinking about getting one of them myself. This one can be had for $50 sometimes, and provides 2 charges on the go. http://www.zagg.com/accessories/zaggsparq.php
I've had this thing in my amazon cart for a while http://amzn.com/B005NGKR54 It's 10,000mah vs the 6,000mah on the zagg so it would provide me about 5.5 charges.
I actually have 3 of those things. I picked up 2 Duracell ones on clearance for about $15 and then I had to buy another unit at an airport for about $50. I don’t know the capacity but I’m sure I could never get 4 charges out of mine and the recharge rate is a lot slower than a real AC plug charger. They’re a useful accessory if you’re traveling a lot or if you have a Blackberry 9930 with the worst battery life ever known to mankind.
The Android team just did something totally different. They're going to experiment with the Sony Xperia S in AOSP development. This also might be the first time a non-nexus device has been used (unless HTC's G1 was used in the past). It's been said that Sony has contributed more to AOSP than any other company out there so it's good to see something show from that. https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/android-building/zji_sQGN9Oo%5B1-25%5D
Carphone Warehouse accidentally put a page up on the Nexus 4 before it was even announced. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-20081930