Windows 10

Discussion in 'Technology' started by cmdrmonkey, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. During clean install it should ask for the key from your COA.

    They just use a volume license key for all of the upgrades , the only difference is the version.
  2. I didn't buy Windows 10 though. Which key do you put in during a clean install, the original 7/8 key, or the generic volume license key that it assigns you after you've gone through the windows update process?
  3. I've had a look and it seems you don't put any key in. Microsoft will have taken some details from your PC when you accepted the free upgrade it uses these to verify for activation, I imagine it takes a hardware inventory and compares IDs.

    Just skip any point where it asks for a key and when you activate it should sort itself out.
  4. So what happens if you replace your motherboard? Sounds like you're screwed.

    I get the impression MS wants to put an end to all of the 7 and 8 keys that are out there being reused again and again with hardware upgrades.

    Edit: Seems everyone is having this issue with the Gigabyte Brix:

    There's no way to install Windows 10 on a Brix, even a clean install with a flash drive or dvd. It will just boot loop. There's an incompatibility with the CPU. Absolutely ridiculous that Microsoft let this shit through. How do you release an OS in 2015 that's not compatible with certain Haswell CPUs in PCs people probably bought like a week ago?
  5. Got off the phone with Gigabyte. It's a known problem. They are workong on a BIOs update. Dude said they expect to have a new BIOs out within the next week or so that fixes it.
  6. Actually a link to a newer bios is posted few times at the end of the thread you linked.
  7. Wow, that wasn't up yesterday. Guess they moved quick to fix the issue.
  8. The windows.old directory on my laptop was 28GB. Using disk cleanup to get that back on my SSD. If I wanted to go back now I would do a fresh install anyway.
  9. Hope it really fixes the problem, though.
  10. Does anyone know why UI elements seem to be missing when using remote desktop from one Win 10 to PC to another? The start button has no windows logo, tray is blanked out, max/min/close is blanked out. Is anyone else experiencing this?
  11. Nope, not getting that at all, everything is where it should be.
  12. No, everything is normal.
  13. Does upgrading to 10 wipe everything saved on it and the HDD?
  14. You HAVE to upgrade first before you can even do a clean install. So your worries are irrelevant in this case. You'll keep everything and if you choose to do so in the future, you can clean install after that.
  15. Ah, that is brilliant news, cheers mare. Was just worried if I attempted it without backdating(Don't have anyway to back up it at the moment) I would lose everything.
  16. The installer won't work for me for some reason. I am getting "Something happened: 0x80072EE7 - 0x90017 on the 64bit one and the 32bit doesnt even work. Any ideas?
  17. I think it might be related to your help thread. I think Grim helped you add a static IP.
  18. You mean it isnt working because I am port-forwarding my internet? Greeeat
  19. Port forwarding? I thought you set a static IP...


    Good thing you made a new thread instead of rolling it into some monster thread that can't be searched. Is this still how your laptop is setup?
  20. That's the one. Should I just bite the bullet and factory restore the laptop as cannot be bothered with all of this crap? I can always re-download the programs and personal stuff. If that will fix everything of course.