I no longer play online due to my slow Nigeria internet but I would love to again. Maybe one day where this poc country comes up.
Woah! I missed this post. Goddamn site change, I was/am still a bit confused by the new organisation. But yeah, next time we're both on, send me a message if you're cool to play!
Yeah will do mate. Was on it earlier for a bit. I need to take the jump from normal to hard mode but it will annoy me. What difficultly do you tend to play it on?
I pro'd my first one on career mode yesterday so we should refrain from that as I will end it for you too quickly maybe. When you free anyway?
Hey guys. I can't sign in to my xbox live account. It just tells me there's a problem and to go to xbox.com/support. But when I go to the support page it just says "This service is unavailable". What the hell is going on? Have they been hacked? Their twitter doesn't say anything about it.
It seems to be working. People on the gears forum keep saying they're being connected then disconnected. I'll wait a bit.
It was sorted just minutes after I posted about it. Worked fine all night. Speedy resumption of service, that's what you pay for. Gears is awesome.
Hey, I'm only a fanboy when it comes to phones because I know the iPhone is the best phone ever no discussion. I like LIVE and I like PSN. They both have strengths and weaknesses. I was merely pointing out the fact that LIVE wasn't down for long. If anything this is a fanboy statement, having a dig at having to pay for Xbox LIVE much?
Well now that my PS3 is dead I have fired up my 360 and it still works under all the dust so I guess this will be where I do all of my gaming for the next couple of months. I may also purchase an XBOX LIVE gold account but mainly because if I do I can watch my Sky Channels on another TV using Sky Go. Its a bit of a shit that M$ force you to spend £40 on LIVE when you can use Sky Go for free on your laptop/iPad/iPhone but it saves me plugging in the laptop and changing everything to go via HDMI each time. I might go with second hand games I haven't played for now. Don't really want to commit myself fully to the 360 as I when I get a working PS3 again I will want more trophies! Any suggestions baring in mind that in the past I have only really used the 360 for RPG's I couldn't get on the PS3.