Xbox next? Specs Revealed

Discussion in 'Technology' started by CaptainScarlet, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Xbox Next or Xbox 720 possible design?

    like the design

    ...AND looks so much like this:
    [​IMG] Omg!

    The picture above is not official, it is a mock-up designed by Xbox World based on their inside industry knowledge. – “We built ours with the same glossy face and patented VapourMG magnesium alloy Microsoft uses for its Surface tablet, and modelled the silver band after its new ‘Wedge’ touch keyboard and flexible Arc Touch mouse. The future will be black, sharp and curved.”

    The design is awesome but reminds me a suitcase.
  2. I don't understand this post. You say the new Xbox looks like an apple tv but also quote the mockup text
  3. I love the design but just calling it Xbox will surely get people mixed up with the original.
  4. The picture above is not official, it is a mock-up designed by Xbox World based on their "inside industry knowledge". – “We built ours with the same glossy face and patented VapourMG magnesium alloy Microsoft uses for its Surface tablet, and modelled the silver band after its new ‘Wedge’ touch keyboard and flexible Arc Touch mouse.
  5. I know I read it, but knowing Microsoft there is some truth in the calling they're Xbox brand just xbox.
  6. So basically we still know nothing about it.
  7. It will have some green on it!
  8. Proprietary plug on the removable HDD? Sounds suspiciously like $60,000 Honda Civic type activity.
  9. Hardcore Xboxers will probably try to claim "...but you don't understand, brah! This hard drive is specifically designed just for the Xbox 720. It will make Halo run twice as fast!"
  10. But, but... I will wont it?!

    I'm surprised they didn't release any information about the GPU, that's what I'm interested in currently (or if they're going to use GDDR3 RAM for system RAM again, which would be ridiculous).
  11. I literally couldn't care less about the specs. As long as mah games are purdy I'm a happy guy.
  12. As long as they ditch motion gaming it will be awesome. Kinect is boring now but it is obvious they are planning on
    Using it further in the next generation.
  13. Looks similar if you put the apple tv standing with the bases and the mock up comes from the report not from me,i forget to quote the paragraph.
  14. When are the new machines meant to launch? Summer 2013? I must know. Think the current consoles are really beginning to creak now.
  15. The Apple TV is a popular device to copy for next gen console mock ups, it seems.

  16. Re: Re: Xbox next? Specs Revealed

    Buy a Wii U then, that is next next gen. I give you permission to use my hard earned tax money that pays you to do 5 hours a day and get 13 weeks holiday to get yourself a shiny new console.
  17. I'm not up to date but I'm pretty sure it's at least 2014

  18. Many sites seem to believe holiday 2013 is a viable option for the 360's successor. I personally think that both Sony and Microsoft should give at least 10months to get this thing properly on peoples radar, but after a pretty busy first half of next year (Bioshock, Gears, God of war etc) Fall next year almost has nothing but a guaranteed Call of Duty.

    If they made a big deal out of it with a full unavailing at E3 they vary well could get people excited enough over the summer for a Nov2013 launch.
  19. People have been saying 2013 for ages now but I'm not sure they'd be so quick to release new consoles the same year as Gear of War Judgement (huge Xbox exclusive) and GTAV. Both games release early 2013 (mid 2013 for GTAV since its a rockstar game lol). They'll want to give rockstar enough time to capitalise on dlc right? I've been saying for while we won't see consoles next year, if we do it won't be until the end of the year.