Re: Next Xbox leaked info and discussion thread How so? From what we've seen so far, it's going to be similar to the PS4 from a hardware standpoint. Also considering last generation, MS has captured a very large fanbase. A dudebro army, if you will. Japanese support doesn't mean anything anymore like it did 2 generations ago. At this point, it's going to come down to what the console can do outside of gaming. Sony's going big on the social aspect. We'll have to see what MS's take on that is.
Re: Next Xbox leaked info and discussion thread Does anyone have an accurate count on the 360's installed base size? I'm on my 2nd store bought unit. My first one was stuck in an endless cycle of "RROD -> send in -> get refurb -> RROD -> get refurb -> RROD!" So I traded in my latest refurb on a PS3. And when it started acting up, it got traded in on a new 360. So I basically bought two 360's & one PS3, but I only own & use one 360. But I'm sure that I'm on record as owning two 360's and one PS3.
Re: Next Xbox leaked info and discussion thread Who will be the first to announce their pricing, and when will it happen? May 21st? E3? Later?
Re: Next Xbox leaked info and discussion thread no convo for the live event going on right now?
Re: Next Xbox leaked info and discussion thread so cod ghosts is gonna be time exclusive to this new xbox. i'm gonna say battlefield 4 is still going to have better visuals though. i imagine ghosts will still have a much more immersive campaign though.
Been confirmed that there will be a second hand game fee on XBOX One and the internet is very angry about this. All games also have to be installed to HDD and tie themselves to unit or user. Never seen so many XBOX fans threatening to move to PlayStation, Sony's share price has gone up since the announce too. Can't even borrow games off friends and family. I assume the games code becomes tied to your live account. I assume it means you have to be online to install a new game so that it can authenticate and lock itself. M$ may have made a massive mistake.
You may as well just switch to PC gaming in that case. PC games can't usually be resold or traded, but at least they're really cheap.
Well, I think that for now my last console is XB360, love when I can put vertical and horizontally or anywhere.The new Xbox looks like an 80"s VCR with Hal 9000 eye not attractive to me.Looks like if M$ want to control the way or the form we play and this reminds me the movie Bugs Life,we are the ants and we are more. I was expecting for this: but is over. Welcome to the new Xbox 80's edition
The Xbox One cannot work without Kinect being attached to it. This is going to bomb so much, especially with the second hand game problem.
Kotaku is taking this serious:
I've not read your posts yet. My stream cut out earlier so I'm going to watch it to prow when I get to work.
Overall, I'd say the specs are about what we were expecting, and the case is pretty mundane looking. Their new policy on used games makes it pretty unappealing though. I think if I buy a console this coming gen, it will be a PS4.
The specs seem like the rumours from early this year. They didn't go into specifics and kept saying 'cloud' instead of details about hardware. I think long term they will do fine, but short term the PS4 is going to be the more popular system for gamers.
It doesn't really seem like either Sony or MS have much mojo going pre-E3 in terms of the games for these systems. New COD + EA + new Forza is a bit of a snoozer for the Xbox One.
I was even more disappointed with this event than Sony's back in March. The show was an hour long and they showed at most 10 minutes of games, none of it actually gameplay, just cut scenes and target rendered footage. I want a games console dammit, not some all encompassing multimedia hub like they're trying to push onto us. Oh I can watch a film while at the same time watching a trailer for a film? Who fucking cares?! It's a videogame console, I want to see videogames. Since I don't watch TV as it's all shite I think MS have lost a fan right here. This video literally sums up what I took away from the event: Sony wins.
I'm honestly very dissapointed in the Xbox One; especially with the used games restriction, which would prevent me and my friends trading titles to try them out. I'm also very disappointed in the lackluster hardware in comparison to the PS4; so I think I'll be getting myself a PS4 this time around, I can't justify getting an Xbox One just to play Halo titles.