Xbox One Discussion

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Armadeadn, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. As a media center, they will also both have Cinavia this time, since it's been part of the blu-ray spec for a while now. That means it's useless to me as a media center... yay. Time to build an mITX HTPC.
  2. RE: COD: Ghosts

  3. Monkey will get a hard on from that picture.

    The new kinect will work on PC, so Microsoft will start releasing Kinect games on that I believe.


    Banjo-Kazooie, Killer Instict or Perfect Dark would be great. Conker is also historic so a sequel to that would be amazing.
  4. Everytime someone says "Xbox" on your tv, your Kinnect responds to that. People report this happened yesterday:

    That's quite .... unexpected? or unwanted, at least?

    Anyway, sounds like a problem.
  5. A good way to wind up a friend if it happens when on a game. :D
  6. Am I the only one who thinks this thing looks a lot like a VCR from the 80s?



    The used game controversy is what seems to be getting most of the attention, but the always-on camera business is the part that disturbs me. I don't like what I've seen with the type of legislation Congress has been trying to cram through (CISPA and NDAA, for example) and voluntary collusion with national security agencies and big business in monitoring citizens, and it seems this could lead to some significant problems. I think it would be too tempting for authoritarian, fascist lunatics within our government to pass up if they have an easy way to monitor citizens.

    I'm a bit surprised there was so much emphasis on television. As someone who has not subscribed to cable TV since around 2005 or so, that's not my top priority in a new gaming system.
  7. That's what they're betting on though. Getting the people the people who don't want a cable tv subscription and also taking on the people that already have it. Media streamers (roku, boxee, etc) are rising in sales and there's still tons of people with cable tv who don't know how to live without it. The X360 worked as an ATT Uverse receiver which ATT gloated about when they launched Uverse. The X360 also grew as a media streamer when they took on Netflix and others.

    The XBOX One is the next stage in that. As much as Arma wants to complain about this, this is a segment that the console industry can't ignore. I'm not sure if it's more if because Microsoft is an American company or not that they're double downing on such a feature since that's where most of the rights of the TV shows are in before they go through hoops overseas to be digitally streamed. They also gave a large segment to the NFL partnership which which the American men will like.
  8. I always find it humorous when people complain about the Kinect spying you, like it's totally impossible to simply turn it around or cover the camera somehow.

    Microsoft had better bring something mind meltingly awesome out at E3 or they'll lose a load of customers, myself included. I'm in the camp of thinking I'd rather they spent all of their time, money, and effort focusing on the games portion of their games console like Sony are rather than a TVr emote control. I have an iPad, an iPhone, and a laptop. I don't need a games console that can control my TV and keep track of sports stats.

    Interesting article regarding the reveal:

  9. I'm going to throw out a question here, although I haven't cared about consoles since post original XBOX. What makes you think this system won't play games like the PS4? Just because the short event didn't show as many games as Sony's did?

    Microsoft dedicated this event for themselves. This is what all companies do. Apple doesn't unveil their products by bringing Foxconn, LG, and Samsung to talk about different components about the Iphone. It's obvious this is a gaming console. Why not talk about the new things they are adding to the console? Sony's event well.. is hard to call Sony's event since a large portion of the show was with third party devs. Just wait for E3 to complain man, I don't want to see 3 weeks of you complaining when MS didn't even throw down their whole hand yet.

    Look at how close this event is from E3. If MS asked some publishers to come to their show and show off some things, what do you expect them to wow the public with at E3? This year's E3 is well known to be the event for the next gen titles.
  10. It has a Blu-ray drive, so it will definitely have cinavia. That makes it useless as an HTPC replacement as far as I'm concerned. If it can't even play ripped movies without DRM kicking in, what's the point?
  11. I'm actually surprised that Microsoft didn't match the specs of the PS4. Here's what I got out of it.

    ・CPU: Jaguar 8 Core CPU @ 2.0GHz
    ・GPU: Radeon GPU @ 1.84TFLOPS
    ・Memory: 8GB GDDR5 @ 176GB/s
    ・Previous PS* games playable from PSN store.
    ・Can remote play on PS Vita
    ・Big push for indie developers.
    ・Supposedly plays used games normally
    ・Est. price: $300-$500

    Xbox One
    ・CPU: Jaguar 8 Core CPU @ 1.6GHz
    ・GPU: D3D 11.1 GPU @ 1.2TFLOPS
    ・Memory: 8GB DDR3 @ 68GB/s
    ・TV support.
    ・Kinect controlled UI.
    ・Gets CoD map packs first.
    ・Plays used games via unknown activation method.
    ・Est. price: $300-$500

    Did I miss anything?
  12. I don't see anything that exciting in the TV stuff. It's a nice extra but hardly that compelling. I don't know how this will work in the rest of the world either; pretty sure Sky are pretty restrictive here. With everything moving to streaming, it seems like a backwards move.

    I reckon they've got one eye on Apple seizing the living room and also another on Sony. Seems like a mixed product from what I've heard and that hasn't really worked well in the past, especially for MS.

    A big E3 for them, be interested in what else they show.
  13. Yea, that's what I was getting at. Streaming services are pretty huge here in the US, which was why there was a huge uproar all over the internet when Netflix did a small change in one of their plans. Hulu and Amazon has grown tremendously as well... as a matter of fact, all of them have grown so large that they're starting to get their own TV shows (such as Netflix with Arrested Development).

    Also the "integration" with cable tv is similar to what Google was trying to do with Google TV.

    I, myself, do not have any TV services nor do I subscribe to any streaming services. But, I'd be lying to myself if I said something like this is stupid. It's a huge industry right now and Microsoft is not going to ignore it.
  15. PS4 it is... Microsoft has gone full retard! Never go full retard!
  16. Hey everybody! :Did you notice that the Xbox one power supply is inside ? so that's explain why the big size,i guess
    take a look at this picture according to this is not that big:

    29.5cm is about 11 inches
  17. I regret installing Netflix on my 360. I never should have done that.
  18. [​IMG]

    The new name:

    One and Juan sounds identical
  19. - Brian Provinciano, Vblank Entertainment

    Hmmmm... CasualBox?
  20. I'm giving up on getting phones on contracts so there's no way in hell I'm getting on a contract for a console...