The Great US vs UK Food Debate

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by supersonic, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. lol fake milk all sucks. It bothers me that it’s in the milk section because sometimes shopping on price I’ve grabbed it by accident.

    Have you guys tried that triple nano-filtered milk? Regular milk tastes like water afterwards. Would recommend.
  2. I get some farm milk delivered because pandemic and now lazy. It’s not raw. But it is the best milk I ever had.

  3. Just FYI. You can now buy weapons grade Chick-fil-a dipping sauces at your grocery store. Not sure if approved for gay weddings.

  4. Yeah I'll definitely get a huge thing of Chik-fil-a sauce. Stuff is magic on fried chicken.
  5. As far as I can tell, it's made of mayo, mustard, BBQ sauce, and crack. I'd probably go as far as to use it as a frosting on a cake.
  6. Man that Polyneasian sauce is so fucking good... it actually has more calories than the 3 piece I dip into it. Switched the lower calorie siracha when it came out.
  7. do you guys know about Lao Gan Ma?

  8. That looks good going down but painful going out.

  9. #1451 cmdrmonkey, Jun 22, 2021
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2021
    It probably makes you spray oily lava out of your butt, and then some Chinese gutter oil guy spoons it out of a sewer trap to be simmered down and resold
  10. I've tasted it a few times at restaurants and I was surprised by the lack of heat. It looks like something that will torch your insides so I still don't fully trust it yet.
  11. I've discovered this freeze dried curry that's totally delicious. Unfortunately it's not cheap but here in the states there aren't a whole lot of fast curry options. Also, my kids love this stuff. They don't like mash potatoes but they'll eat curry any day. The chicken has the texture of a sea sponge, but other than that, no complaints.

  12. #1455 cmdrmonkey, Jul 28, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2021
    It's weird what kids will eat and not eat. I'm discovering this with my son.
  13. If you're worried about the cost, you could try this cheaper alternative:

  14. #1457 bfun, Jul 28, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2021
    People always say these things will kill you but it's about as dangerous as fast food, which will kill you.

    Big Mac Meal 1325 - 1425
    Mountain House Curry 1460
    Mountain House Beef Stew 1590
    Chick-fil-a meal 1630 -1720
    Top Ramen Chicken 1660
    Whopper Meal 1930 - 2300
  15. Boss, it says right on that 110g bag that it is 2 serving sizes… A delicious big mac is 219g.

    So your bag is the equivalent of ~6000mg sodium against a big mac.
  16. Your comparing dehydrated curry weight to hydrated Big Mac weight. The curry package is 110g without any moisture. Add 1.5 cups of water and it jumps to 470g. The whole container, with water, has 1460mg of sodium. The Big Mac has 1007mg of sodium in 219 grams of food. So 2 Big Macs is 438g of food with 2014mg of sodium. 1 package of curry is 470g of food with 1460 mg of sodium.

  17. Huh, I didn't know that... I thought you just ripped open the bag and ate some sort of food paste.

    Honestly, 92.5% of my diet is fast food. The only one that has a noticable effect is Chik-Fila. I have to go out of my way to drink more water if I eat there. I think their numbers are way inaccurate.